Goal 1
This first goal of the Freedom Home project is to acquire the services of an experienced shipping container building architect to produce as many as four different home designs. The firm we have selected for the design work is Cargotecture, located in Seattle, Washington and founded by Joel Egan. Joel has been designing container homes and buildings since 2003 and has completed many projects in the Pacific Northwest and other areas around the nation.
Once the basic home designs have been completed, they will be transferred to Michael Thomson of Ecosystem Design Inc, located in Basalt, Colorado, for greenhouse climate battery design. A climate battery is a system that stores daytime heat from a greenhouse into the ground for nighttime heating.

Goal 2
Goal 2 is to acquire and survey inexpensive land somewhere in the remote Eastern Oregon desert. The ideal amount of land is estimated at around one thousand acres which would allow for the building of about two hundred homes including roads, community space, schools, churches and other needful buildings. The desert of Eastern Oregon is desired for affordability and remoteness. The high desert also provides extended days of sunlight, as compared to other areas in Oregon, which will help promote the growth of the Freedom Home food supply and solar electric and solar heating systems. The remote desert provides natural beauty and areas for easily accessible recreation and hunting.
Current county assesseed price per acre runs from $150 to $300. Estimated survey costs are approximately $1,000 per acre, or $1,000,000 for project total.
One of the first buildings will be a Quonset hut styled truck garage for semi trucks that will be used for building the community and for delivering materials and supplies. The first truck needed will be a dump truck and trailer for hauling construction materials and home components. The garage is estimated at roughly $250,000 and the truck and trailer cost is estimated at approximately $100,000.

Goal 3
Goal 3 is to begin construction of the first several Freedom Homes. These homes will share basic features such as living area, water treatment utility area, power production and storage area, heating systems for home and greenhouse, central greenhouse, water storage, food storage, work areas and other needed features. Various design layouts will be built to achieve a variety in home designs. The target cost for building the average home is roughly $150,000 each. The first three to five homes are expected to be over the target cost until the building process becomes streamlined.

Goal 4
Goal 4 is to develop an aeroponic produce business as the economic source of funding for future homeowners. Being in a remote rural location, economic opportunities for prospect homeowners are limited. As such, an economic system is planned for homeowners to utilize to pay for their homes. Early research shows that aeroponic produce growing for local markets can be simple to operate and lucrative, giving homeowners the needed financial resources.
The Freedom Home Foundation will be the bank and all funds received from the aeroponic business will be recorded as homeowner credits and will be put back into community development. To start a 20 by 40 square foot greenhouse facility will be built along with product transportation which could include a refrigerated straight box truck and other equipment.